Your Intuitive Edge – Episode 4

Whether it’s the financial support you offer, being there for others, or undeniably showing your love – have you ever found yourself asking, “Where’s the love I give?”  If you want to get to the bottom of why others don’t show up for you and give you back the lovin’ you’ve been giving them, this show is for YOU!

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6 years ago

Thank you for the insights, Robert! Big part of what you shared here confirmed in words what I have been working on in my body recently and trying to make sense of from past lives, DNA/ancestors, etc.
Und falls du bald mal eine deutsche Show durchziehen willst…ich bin dabei! Lass mich wissen, wann du soweit bist. Bis spaeter und liebe Gruesse von Denver nach Boulder! 🙂

6 years ago

love hearing the old music… are back!!!

Erin Jones
Erin Jones
6 years ago
Reply to  res053yn

SAME!!!!! Oh my GOD that music and the memories it invokes light me up!!!

6 years ago

This was THE best show. I kept hitting the pause button because I couldn’t take notes fast enough. So many things you said just resonated. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you did in that show and for all you do! You’ve been rocking my shadows for 10 years now!

Erin Jones
Erin Jones
6 years ago

This was sublime Robert….oh boy did I get some GOLD out of this. THANK YOU XXXXXX I am SO HAPPY that you are doing the live readings again. Pure MAGIC.
Much love to you
Erin Jones.

6 years ago

What is draining me, my energy preventing me from living my full capacity?

6 years ago

This show was just the medicine I needed after a reading that felt like my spirit guides were verbally beating me up and I was wondering if I could fire them. My self sabotage was coming from a very unconscious place and they have talked about my need to expiate it for years. At least I have some clues now. Much gratitude dear friend. Thank you so much for your expressing your beautiful chirotic energy the way you do.

3 years ago

Still so very relevant. Thank you for keeping these up. I benefit and I find when I really need answers, in my mind, I am immediately prompted to search you. Was with you in Hay House days, you still provide so much insight for me. Stay safe and healthy!

Gayle Marie
Gayle Marie
2 years ago

I loved this! As you said…I will be able to relate. The best thing is to know that I,,,we,,,are on track. I can handle most things that don’t feel good knowing I am growing up;) XO