What is the ‘Soul of Money’? How can you use your finances as intuitive guidance toward living your Destiny? Have you been unconsciously creating more financial blocks and lack in your life through a shadow loyalty to poverty? Break free and unleash the financial flow you most want on this paradigm shattering podcast!

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Tiffaney Graham
6 years ago

This was everything!! You touched on a lot of good points, especially the part of being in a financial challenge requiring you to face your inner work. It happened to me and although it wasnt fun, I’m thankful for the journey of doing the work and uncovering those old wounds.

5 years ago

Completely profound…so many internal shift happened for me while i was listening to this.
Most of us live this reactionary existence, hardly taking the time to quiet the mind and observe ourselves. Mr. Ohotto thank YOU for this.
Consciously unchaining ourselves from our internal victimization is the path to FINALLY evolving to unleash our true reason for being here.

4 years ago

Thanks for sharing this podcast. This will surely help me to have more ideas that I can use regarding money. I’ll save this podcast and share this to others as well.