The Cosmic Guidance Package
Don’t miss these Astrological Teachings & Intuitive Insights regarding the Cycles we have been in, are currently experiencing, and are headed toward!
Previously only shared inside my website Membership, this Year I decided to bring this annual offer to you. Why? Because I want everyone to have the opportunity to access the profound transformational breakthrough revelations that have been flowing into this aspect of my work for some time now – most notably this year’s.
Mercury Retrograde in Virgo Survival Guide
The Jupiter Journey of 2023 – Healing Scarcity by Coming Down to Earth
Saturn in Pisces - 12 Lessons in Mystical Maturity
Gone Forever November 1, 2023!.

21 Lessons
Robert teaches you how to activate new potential in your life in 21 video lessons.

Study Materials
Every series includes a PDF class guide and access to archived audio / video recordings.
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You may have heard it said that your Soul was ‘born for this Time’, but as you look around at Life to see the challenges and the enormous speed of change occurring, you might have asked yourself: What does that even mean, I feel like I’m barely holding it together?!
One word that keeps trying to capture what it means, and that we are hearing nearly every day, is the word unprecedented.
And while we do indeed live in an era where things occur daily that have not happened quite like this for Humanity before – things that have no ‘precedent’ – many of us feel like we were definitely not born for these Times as we struggle with feeling overwhelmed, utterly exhausted, depressed, confused, fearful, disempowered, angry, and when we really hit the ground on a bad day – hopeless.
But here’s some great news, this can all change And I really mean that…
But not if we keep looking back to the tried-and-true Wisdom of our Spiritualities – or the old Models of our Psychologies, Astrologies, & Mysticism to find an empowered way forward in a World that increasingly keeps making less sense.
Surely you have tried this already, right?
And, like so many, perhaps you too continue to find little solace, and fewer and fewer solutions. That’s because something new comes from something new.
And the Creative Narratives upon which we have built our Cultures and Societies, and that have built us, are in a Dark Night Shift to a new Age of Co-Creation: The Age of Aquarius.
Throughout my 30 years as a professional Astrologer & Intuitive, I have been – Cycle by Cycle – piecing together just what this new incoming Aquarian Narrative is, what its Fate to Destiny Alchemy is about, and how to align to its momentum in ways that allow you engage its Creative Power.
And, in all my years of experience and research, I’ve come to understand that many are inappropriately pre-defining what the Age of Aquarius is, and will be, via the projection of an old way of seeing Co-creation – and even the Aquarius Archetype itself – in ways that often betray what it truly is, and is going to be…
That said, while you might be struggling to find useful guidance on how to co-creatively navigate these ‘Unprecedented Times’ – I’m here to offer you a rare opportunity that I haven’t offered the general public in years: A chance to engage my newest and most advanced Astrological Teachings & Intuitive Insights regarding the Cycles we have been in, are currently experiencing, and headed toward via a new rare offering: My Cosmic Guidance Package for 2023.
Previously only shared inside my website Membership, this Year I decided to bring this annual offer to you. Why? Because I want everyone to have the opportunity to access the profound transformational breakthrough revelations that have been flowing into this aspect of my work for some time now – most notably this Year’s.
And with a 3-Part Mercury Retrograde in Virgo Guide as well as a 6-Part Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus Guide immediately ready to go for you, the timing couldn’t be more perfect – I mean, come on, I’m an Astrologer – so of course I got the timing right!
And you won’t just have immediate access to these powerful Mercury Retrograde in Virgo & Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus Guides (some of what’s included is listed below) – You will also have immediate access to my insights on the entire Astrology Cycles of 2023!
When it comes to the other Planets – you’ll hear insights that I’ve never made public regarding the current Cycles of Eris, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, and Chiron.
Heck, I spent over 90 minutes talking about Pluto’s new move into Aquarius alone – I just could help sharing my new insights and predictions for this Cycle!
And that’s not all…you’ll also get access to my 9-Part Saturn in Pisces Series: 12 Lessons in Mystical Maturity.
This 9-Part Series, complete with PDF Guides & a Workbook, includes groundbreaking and paradigm shifting guidance on the new 2.5 years Saturn in Pisces Cycle. I’ll be sharing new insights into the Pisces Archetype that will completely redefine it for our new Era in Co-Creation (I already spoke about Aquarius being more than just an ‘Air Sign’ and why in the Jupiter Series.)
More about Saturn in Pisces…
These days, it’s no secret that we find ourselves in uncharted waters of Co-Creation. That, for many of us, has us feeling ‘lost at sea’ moving further and further out into more and more instability and uncertainty.
And while all of this may seem dark and scary, the good news is that there is a discernable Order within these Chaotic Times that can be glimpsed through my favorite intuitive tool: Astrology.
And to see that ‘Order’ we needn’t look any further than the Archetypal Cycles playing out on Earth, most notably the central Archetypal Force that governs our Cycles of Time: Saturn.
Indeed, Saturn’s Cycles can serve as a much-needed compass as we navigate our current Sea Journey, gifting us with a clear sense of what we now must learn as Co-Creators so that we can meet the urgency of the moment and restructure our Lives.
Every 2.5 years, Saturn moves into a new Zodiac Sign – thereby offering the possibility of a new Potential to birth within our Lives via a new Archetypal Classroom whose Lessons are informed by our past outdated Patterns & Karma. And this time that new Potential will require a Wheel of 12 Lessons that are Piscean in nature if it is to manifest.
Yet, true to Saturn’s Archetype, this new Piscean Potential that is waiting to level-up your Life doesn’t just magically arrive on your doorstep simply because the Cycle has arrived – which it has. Oh no, with Saturn the chance to birth any new Potential must be co-creatively earned.
What’s more, a new Cycle of Saturn always first delivers the negative consequences of our conditioned Patterns well before it presents our Potential’s new Lesson Plan. Thus, Saturn in Pisces is likely to present to us the negative karmic fallout of our Mystical Immaturity before it begins to school us on how to co-create as Mystically Mature Adults.
Have you already been feeling this? A sense of emotional overwhelm, heaviness, feeling lost in a sea of uncertainty, not sure what’s real, what’s next, let alone what’s even possible for your Life?
If so, for you Saturn School is already in session, and if you’re not feeling this yet, over the next 2.5 years, you will…
And while Piscean Lessons often require that we must get lost to be found – make no mistake, being ‘found’ this time will come from confronting our current Illusions regarding the dimensional nature of Mystical Law, allowing us to grow into Mystically Mature Co-Creative Adults.
This quality of Maturity is essential if we are to engage the Pluto in Aquarius shift that is currently being whispered to us now in 2023, before it becomes a full voiced announcement in 2024 – when Pluto enters Aquarius for good until 2043.
What does it mean to be a Mystically Mature Co-Creative Adult? What’s required? What are the 12-Lessons that Saturn will be teaching and tasking us with so that we can anchor our Souls into a new Co-Creative Era of Mystical Light?
All these questions are answered within this new 9-Part HoloKompass Astrology Series. In addition, all the important Saturn in Pisces activation dates and event-based possibilities that this Saturn Cycle has locked in its Karmic Journey are also presented. I will also, and perhaps most importantly, be guiding you through Saturn’s 12 Lessons in Mystical Maturity.
Why do we need 12 Lessons, and why not simply teach the Energy of the Cycle and all its important transit dates and timing like most other Astrologers, Robert?
Well, I could certainly do that – but you’d be signing up for the Fate of this Cycle, instead of its Destiny….
You see, while all Astrological Cycles carry within them an Archetypal Fate – how we meet this, and how it affects us…can be, to varying degrees, up to us.
But what determines whether you experience Saturn’s activation of Pisces over the next 2.5 years as a ‘School of Hard Knocks’ (filled with confusion, illusion, and delusion) vs. an Initiation into an empowered Mystical Adulthood, is the empowerment and awareness through which you engage the Cycle itself.
And your level of empowerment and awareness will be the result of whether you are teachable and willing to do some inner work as part of the Saturn Cycle’s process.
Just knowing the dates and archetypal energy of any Astrological Cycle - and then expecting things to just happen either for you, or to you, is not the Astrology of a Co-creator.
Don’t get me wrong, these empiric things matter greatly, but every new Astrology Cycle offers you a chance to leave outworn identities behind while growing in your Co-Creative Power.

“Your level of empowerment and awareness will be the result of whether you are teachable and willing to do some inner work as part of the Saturn Cycle’s process.”
The 3-Part Mercury Retrograde in Virgo Series Survival Guide
- The activated Virgo Archetypes this time around…
- Staying away from the Trickster Side of Mercury
- The Mercury Retrograde Zone as your ‘Messages Zone’
- How Saturn in Pisces Retrograde will affect your Mercury Retrograde
- The Power Pivots you need to make during this Cycle
- How this MR will be especially challenging for Empaths…
- Activated Themes and how to work with Them
- The Cosmic Instruction of ‘The Harvest Archetype’ during this MR
- Shadow Virgo Systems vs. Mystical Virgo Systems
- The MR Questions to ask that will crack open your Heart & Purpose
- Essential Guidance for when you find you’re in ‘Life Systems’ failure (Virgo)
- How this MR Cycle connects with the Venus Retrograde in Leo
- Do you unconsciously ‘Anti-Taurus’?
- When Uranus will bring a ‘Breakthrough’ this Mercury Retrograde
- My recent Virgo Mystical Experience and its Power to change YOU!
The 6-Part Jupiter Journey of 2023 Series – Healing Scarcity by Coming Down to Earth
- Tracking the Jupiter’s Archetypal Journey from Pisces to Taurus
- Astrological Cycles & Levels of Consciousness
- Transforming the Fate of ‘Meta-Cycles’ into Destiny via Jupiter
- Identifying Your Co-Creative Potential in 2023
- Jupiter in Taurus (Retrograde) & Your Birth Chart
- Identifying & Working with Age of Aquarius Pressures
- The Cultural Misattributions & Misperceptions of Eris
- The Astrology of AI and what’s ahead…
- Chiron as your conduit of Meta-Power
- The Pluto in Aquarius Deep Dive: Parts I & II
- A New Aquarian interpretation of the Symbolism of Aquarius - Aquarius as Air Sign?
- How to resolve your unconscious inner Saturn vs. Jupiter conflicts
- Brand New Insights into the Fundamental Alchemy of All Jupiter Cycles
- My Predictions for 2023
- Healing Scarcity via the Jupiter in Taurus Cycle of 2023
- Why Jupiter Retrograde takes away Opportunities…
- The Jupiter in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius Transit
- Jupiter Retrograde & The Economy of 2023/2024
- The Prostitute Archetype as Transducer of Light
- How this Year’s Cycle sets up the Jupiter in Taurus conjunct Uranus Transit finale
- The Jupiter in Taurus Retrograde, from Start to Finish – Dates & Timing
And here’s some of what I will be mapping and teaching inside the Saturn in Pisces Series:
- Important Transits, Dates, and Timing
- Reinterpreting Pisces on its Terms
- How to Co-Create with Divine Order
- Karmic Events Past, Present, and What’s Ahead
- Moving from Saturn in Aquarius, to Saturn in Pisces
- The Misunderstood Quantum Nature of Saturn
- Saturn: Ego, Shadow, & Soul
- Saturn in Pisces as it follows Neptune’s Path
- The Saturn and Neptune Conjunction in Pisces
- The Role of Eris within the Saturn Pisces Cycle
- Saturn in Pisces’ 12-Lessons in Mystical Maturity as Your Co-Creative Wheel of Holism
- Reality and tracking your ‘Reality’ Language
- Saturn & The Nature of Mystical Light
- Saturn in Pisces as preparation for Pluto in Aquarius
- Identifying your Saturn in Pisces Responsibilities
In closing, I’d like to share something very personal with you that has become very apparent to me after 30 years of working with and teaching/guiding folks via Astrology…
What’s most unique about my work with Astrology, which I call HoloKompass Astrology, is that I am not just offering you the most important dates of the Cycles and describing their energy…
I am also, and most importantly, clearly showing you how each Cycle invites you to take a quantum leap in your Consciousness via the Cycle’s Archetypal Alchemy such that you experience the Cycle as a Co-Creator instead of a Victim.
I’ve learned that the most important factor that determines how any Astrological/Archetypal Cycle will affect you is the Level of Consciousness in which you engage the Cycle.
And your Level of Consciousness is determined by two Forces within you: Your Level of Awareness, and your Level of Empowerment.
Awareness is a Horizontal Force in you that is based in how well you regulate your Shadow, and Empowerment is a Vertical Force that is based in your Esteem, Personal Will, and connection to a Greater Will.
In my work with Astrology – As a Teacher and Guide, I empower your Awareness via Guidance, Shadow Work, & Intuitive Insights. And I level-up your Empowerment with Coaching and Spiritual Direction.
I teach you how to forge a co-creative relationship with the Cycles by aligning with and harnessing Their Momentum & Power in your Life personally. There’s no hiding under the blankets until the Cycle ends in my Astrology…as if you could anyway.
I hope that you will jump at this rare opportunity to transform your Fate into Destiny – starting with this powerful Mercury Retrograde in Virgo Cycle that is sure to shake things up.
I promise that you will absolutely find groundbreaking insights and guidance in this offering not found anywhere else. Indeed, you will find Guided work that will completely change your Life and bring you to a new Level of Consciousness in ways you haven’t conceived of.
It’s time to move from Astrological Victim to Co-Creator…let’s do this!
Gone Forever November 1, 2023!
Join Now
21 video lessons, three series guides and lifetime access to archived audio / video recordings.
$249.00 Original price was: $249.00.$199.00Current price is: $199.00.Read more
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