
Jupiter Retrograde
in Capricorn
Active Phases
Set Up: Feb 18 —> May 14, 2020
Retrograde: May 14 —> Sep 12, 2020
Integration: Sep 12 —> Dec 6, 2020
The 2020 Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn
and Astrological Guide to 2020
Each year the planet Jupiter activates a new Archetypal Process as it transitions into a new Astrological Sign and goes into its Retrograde Phases. In 2020, this all occurs through the Archetype of Capricorn – holographically altering both our global and individual Fate and Destiny. This means 2020 will be the year your Potential is asked to expand via the archetypal process of ‘Mountain Climbing’…
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We’re bringing this course back by December 7!
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Live Webinars
During this 4-Part, 10-hour Series, Robert covers in enormous depth the Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn Cycle, and new teachings on the archetypal ‘Mountain Climbing’ it takes to realize your Life Goals!

Study Materials
Lifetime access to the on-demand video and audio version, complete with comprehensive PDF Guide! Also get Robert’s Astrological Guide to 2020.
Coming Soon
All purchases subject to our Terms of Service
Jupiter as an Archetype has everything to do with the word ‘Potential’ – that in you which has the inherent capacity of coming into being, but has not been born yet. And with its activation of Capricorn, 2020’s Jupiter Cycle summons the Capricorn aspect of your Potential that remains unclaimed, dormant, and unconscious in your Psyche and Soul Contract.
During the first 2.5-Hour session of this 2-Part/5-Hour On-demand Webcast Robert covers in enormous depth the entirety of all Cycles in 2020 via his annual Astrological Forecast. And 2020 is exceptionally jammed with Archetypal Weather as all Planets (including Venus & Mars) are going retrograde!
In the second session, Robert moves onto to an exclusive deep look at the Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn Cycle, its timing, and its activated Archetypes. Through a deep discussion of the Capricorn Archetype he addresses how the Karma of 2019 will manifest in your life during 2020, and how you can shift this Karmic Momentum such that you flourish.
You’ll also get access to a comprehensive printable PDF Guide filled with specific dates, timing, charts, and questions for reflection to help you maximize the gifts of the Cycles of 2020 and, most notably, the Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn Cycle.
Next comes a new 2-Part/5-Hour Bonus Course: Ascension – Mastering the Archetypal Steps of Reaching Your Goals. Robert gifts you with brand new teachings on the archetypal process of ‘Mountain Climbing’ – and why it’s required to realize your Life Goals. You’ll learn which Goals are genuine to your Destiny and how turn them into reality via an entirely new model of both goal setting and achievement!
While bringing his trailblazing approach to Archetypes, Human Potential, Intuition, the Human Psyche, and Soul Contracts – Robert guides you, during Ascension, through the Six Phases of Mountain Climbing that must be climbed to actualize your Goals . Complete with PDF Guides that offer additional insights and questions for reflection, this is like no other Goal Setting course you may have taken! Are you ready to turn your deepest longings into a reality?

“2020 will be the year your Potential is asked to expand via the archetypal process of Mountain Climbing”
In the HoloKompass Astrology Sessions Discover:
- An in-depth look at what changes the 2020 Cycles of Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Chiron, and Saturn will bring both Collectively & Personally
- How the 2020 Mars & Venus Retrogrades will affect you + their dates/timing
- The Archetypes you’ll need to Activate and Deactivate during many of these Cycles
- An in-depth understanding of Jupiter’s Archetype and its role as a Guiding Force of Personal Power in 2020
- Why you need to use the Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn to prep for future growth and opportunities in your Life
- How the Mercury Retrogrades of 2020 will affect you and their dates/timing
- The exact timing and dates for the Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn and ways to track its numerous Archetypal Activations
- How this Jupiter Retrograde cycle connects to the previous Jupiter Retrograde in Sagittarius in 2019
- Why 2020 is a year in which Collective & Personal Cycles will deeply affect each other, thus co-creating our Collective & Personal Destinies…
- Various Astrological Charts & Diagrams that help illustrate key timing and themes
In the Bonus Course ‘Ascension – Mastering the Archetypal Steps of Reaching Your Goals’ Discover:
- How to master the Six Phases of Mountain Climbing to Goals
- Identifying ‘Authentic Goals’ vs. ‘Wounded-Ego Goals’
- Why ‘Mountain Climbing’ is the archetypal process behind every realized Goal
- Navigating the Two Voices you will meet on the Mountain Climb to your Goals
- How to get through the ‘Dark Night of the Goal’…
- Mountains & Soul Agreements: Knowing what Mountains you’re meant to climb, and which ones you are not…
- Mastering the balance between Self-effort & Grace while on the Climb
- How to move past perfectionism/procrastination & take the first step toward your Goals
- Knowing when to quit and when to persevere up the Mountain
- Turning your Limits into Allies while on the Climb
- The shadow side of many Self-Help and Coaching Models of Goal Setting
- What to do when you get ‘stuck’ on your Mountains
- Why what you do becomes more important than what you believe when Mountain Climbing
- Awakening the Essential Archetypal Team you need for Mountain Climbing/Goal Achievement
- Identifying the Sabotaging & Empowering Archetypes of Mountain Climbing
- Working with Karmic Laws to create ease in your Life via new strength
- Identifying when you are climbing the Mountain vs. looping around it
- Developing the Esteem of a Mountain Climber
- Knowing when you’ve maxed your Potential and it’s time for new Goals
- The Necessity of engaging in shame-free Character building while on the Climb
- Becoming a Mystical Mountain Climber
Coming Soon
Enjoy lifetime access to the on-demand video and audio version, complete with comprehensive PDF Guide! Also get Robert’s Astrological Guide to 2020.
All purchases subject to our Terms of Service .