Evolve or Repeat
The Power of Emotional Alchemy
Happy Oholidays!
Save 40%! Offer ends December 31.
Do you struggle with feeling & letting go of Dark Emotions?
Could your Anger tell you something very important if only you felt it through unconditionally?
Is your inability to feel certain emotions calling others into your life that somehow are an exact self-sabotaging Archetypal Match to your emotional dysfunction?
'Are you kept in certain Soul Contracts with others far longer than necessary because of your refusal to feel your Life unconditionally?
How have you unconsciously activated a Shadow Archetypal Attraction to Others?
Could being emotionally triggered be the best thing that’s ever happened to you?
Does not feeling Dark Emotions put your life into the powerlessness of repeating cycles, instead of the power of evolving through them?
Are you ready to learn the Power of Emotional Alchemy? I hope you will join me for this new online three part 6-hour course as I teach you how to be with your emotions in a new way that releases you from your self-sabotaging cycles of repeat.

Video Webinars
During three 2.5-Hour recorded webcasts Robert covers how you can use your Emotions to evolve into the person you are destined to be with the Power of Emotional Alchemy!

Study Materials
Lifetime access to the on-demand video and audio version, complete with PDF Guide!
When it comes to our emotions, most of us opt for an idea of how we ‘should’ feel, instead of feeling what’s really happening in our experience. How many times have you found yourself saying, ‘I shouldn’t feel…I wish I didn’t feel…angry, afraid, sad, lonely, ungrateful, pissed off, jealous, anxious, etc.’
Lacking a capacity to be in a direct unconditional relationship with our Emotional System is actually the standard default for most of us in a culture teaches us to ‘mentalize’ our emotions, not feel them. We are generally not taught how to be with our fear, anxiety, grief, sadness, loss, anger, and even joy in ways that move our lives forward into new potential.
Instead we are often told things like, “Choose love over fear” – as if it’s that simple for those of us recovering from abuse, shame, or trauma to choose with the mind a ‘nicer’ emotional state. Not to mention, it’s assumed that emotions like fear, grief, and anger are bad things, and that they could never be useful.
Indeed, this approach to our Emotional System leaves us unguided by the powerful intuitive instruction every emotion contains. Not only that, it keeps us stuck in a ‘Repeat Cycle’ instead of an ‘Evolve Cycle’ of growth. But how can even begin to access this intuitive emotional guidance when we haven’t learned how to be with and use our emotions, most notably our dark emotions, on their terms?
Could your Anger tell you something very important if only you felt it through unconditionally? Does your refusal and inability to feel emotions continue to call people into your lives that somehow are an exact Archetypal Match for your emotional dysfunction? Are you kept in certain Soul Contracts with others far longer than necessary because of your inability to feel your life unconditionally? Could being emotionally triggered be the best thing that’s ever happened to you? Does not feeling Dark Emotions put your life into the powerlessness of repeating cycles, instead of the power of evolving through them?
I hope you will join me for this new online three part 6-hour course as I teach you how to be with your emotions in a new way that releases you from your self-sabotaging cycles of repeat.

“Learn how to be with your emotions in a new way that releases you from your self-sabotaging cycles of repeat.”
In this Online Web Course Discover:
- The Alchemical Process of Emotional Metamorphosis
- Soul Contracts & Your Emotions: Archetypal Matching, Unmatching, and Rematching via your Emotional System
- What causes Archetypal Shadow Attraction to Others
- Why do we repeat Cycles & what does it take to evolve
- Shame, Dark Emotions, & Healing the Past
- Evolution as Power – Repeating as Powerlessness
- How to handle someone in a reactive emotionally charged state
- How to emotionally move from Control to Trust with Others/Life
- Harnessing the Gifts of an Emotional Crisis by intuitively decoding your Emotions
- Perceiving the Karmic Truths revealed by your Emotions
- Emotional Keys – Decoding the Intelligence of your Emotional System
Ex: What are Post-Esteem Anger, Envy, Anxiety, Anger, Toxic Fear offering you as Guidance? - Exploring and enhancing the quality of your Inner Emotional Resources
- Step by Step Process of Deactivating Emotional Triggers & getting to Conscious Choice
- Guided Meditation on Intuitive Emotional Alchemy
Learn how you can use your Emotions to evolve into the person you are destined to be with the Power of Emotional Alchemy.
Happy Oholidays!
Save 40%! Offer ends December 31.
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Get lifetime access to the on-demand video and audio recordings, complete with PDF Guides!
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