Hi Everyone!

Have you been feeling like Life has been a bit chaotic lately and you can’t seem to get a handle on it? Do you feel like you could use a miracle? I invite you to check out my first lesson for my new course on Myss.com: Igniting Miracles in the Dark – An Archetypal Guide to Your Cycles of Chaos & Challenge.

If you’ve been thinking about this course, or wondering what it’s all about – this video excerpt will be well worth your time!

In the video, not only will you get a deep sense of the course, you’ll also learn what the fundamental Four Categories of Archetypes are that I’ve identified which comprise Your Soul Contract – and how to work with them. In addition, you’ll learn what Chaos Cycles are and how this course will help you bring order to them!

I hope you’ll consider taking the full course and watching Lesson One in its entirety where I cover ‘The Six Stages of a Chaos Cycle’ – this is NEW material that I couldn’t be more excited about. Lesson Two airs next week!

Do you know someone in chaos or having a hard time? Be sure to share this with them!

As always, I appreciate your support of my work – thanks so much!

Namaste, Robert : )

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Annette Brandle
Annette Brandle
6 years ago

Dear Robert… Wonderful and Marvellous!…Brilliant! Sunday/Oz. (And Vancouver!?)
Annette B.

Helen Jayatilaka
Helen Jayatilaka
6 years ago

Thank you. You got me through to the light.
I’m reaching out to me with your help.
Love Helen

6 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing your insight. This is where I am – middle of the Chaos. Lost my job at the start of my second Saturn Return. I feel I was “released” so I could pursue the career I am supposed to be in (a spiritual/healing one). I’ve been taking care of ill family members since I was laid off (& “coincidentally” I have the time to do so.) However, I’ve been lost lately (no – hiding); stuck and afraid to move forward for myself – I’ve lost a bit of confidence (victim/child/perfectionist/saboteur!) I know there’s joy on… Read more »

Julie Murray
Julie Murray
5 years ago
Reply to  KELLY

Kelly, I just read your comment and wanted to let you know that it sounded so much like me! I’m not care giving for family members, but I’ve spent several years in hiding, and now I’m taking slow steps toward doing my Soul work in the world. And if I can do it, so can you. Hang in there and just keep taking the next step. (And if you don’t know what that is, then just take a step. You can always course correct if it turns out to be not quite right.) You have a voice and a message… Read more »

6 years ago

Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and knowledge! If I wasn’t over extended with other commitments, I would take your class. I’ve been working with similar concepts with a mentor for many many moons and it is wonderful to hear someone else talk about the Perfectionist and shame in the context of Survival Archetypes. When you know about your Sub Personas – the awareness alone – has the power to move the needle in areas where you’ve been chronically stuck. There is so much gold to be found in our lead. Thank you again!

miriam shroitman
6 years ago

my world changed thank you Robert

6 years ago


Pamela Gembica
Pamela Gembica
6 years ago

Dear Robert, I just viewed the last episode. The Archetypes are wonderful and so added to my understanding and practice of psychotherapy as a M.A.in Depth Psychology. More than that, I have been through yet another chaos cycle and coming through it with you has truly been a God Send. So I am offering this to you from Shamballa Press: “Although the warrior’s life is dedicated to helping others, he realizes that he will never be able to completely share his experience with others…yet he is more and more in love with the world. That combination of love affair and… Read more »

6 years ago

As usual – “the Ohotto”, fabulous, articulate, insightful and the beacon of light for all of us in learning to manage life’s seas of chaos and confusion. Love him, he’s the best.