Venus Retrograde in Aries/Pisces — How You Lost Your Power & How to Get it Back.
- Does Life lately have you feeling powerless and often mentally scattered?
- Are things feeling shaky in some of your most important relationships?
- Have you been struggling with finances or financial worry – wondering if you’ll be ok?
- Has your Family History been making a comeback?
- Have you been starting most days feeling upright, but by mid-day you’re horizontally flattened?
- As the World shakes, have you been feeling continually triggered into doom scroll mode by the onslaught of bad News these past weeks?
If some or all of this tracks, did you know that there are Energetic and Astrological Reasons for all of the above that are found within our current Cycle of Venus Retrograde?
And did you know that there are also ‘SOULUTIONS’ found within this Venus Retrograde Cycle that can turn all of this Angst around if you’re willing to follow Venus’ lead backwards on your Timeline?
On January 28th, 2025 Venus began to set up its Retrograde at 24º Pisces, and just days ago began its 40-day Retrograde at 11º Aries until April 12th, 2025.
Whether you realize it or not, Venus has been activating a massive Lesson about your Empowerment – and she wants you to understand how you’ve lost your Power, and how to get it back through the Aries & Pisces Lessons that are active inside her Classroom during this Retrograde.
**And there is one primary Lesson, above all, that I’m going to focus on — and you’ll see why it is THE Lesson that can bring your Power back.
If you’re feeling ready to shift the way things have been going – this very special video on the current Venus Retrograde Cycle is for you.
Here’s some of what I share:
How this Venus Retro Cycle can gift you with:
- Identifying the true causes of your past and current Power Loss…
- A completely new Power Shift in how to relate to Others
- Creating a new center of gravity for your Emotional Triggering and Scattered Mind
- Unlocking the Alchemy of ‘The Golden Section’ for this Venus Retrograde
- Ways to work with Cosmic Power so that you can stand in your Personal Power during these Challenging Times
Also Covered:
- Entire dates for this Venus Retrograde’s 3-Part Process – including the Retrograde Midpoint
- How to identify and track your personal Venus Retrograde Set-Up Themes
- What it means to have Venus Retrograde in first and last Signs of the Zodiac: Aries & Pisces
- How this Cycle ties in with the current Mars Retrograde Integration Phase we are in and upcoming Mercury Retrograde
- Why the 29th Anaretic Degree of Pisces is so massively important for this Retrograde
I truly hope you’ll join me for this insightful, powerful, and life changing video.
With the deepest of Compassion for your Venus Retrograde Journey…
Robert 🙏