Does it feel like you follow your Intuition, BUT it only seems to take you nowhere…
Just round and round you go, with your Life’s opportunities staying pretty much the same…
While most of your Relationships seem stuck in a repeat cycle?

Does your Intuitive Guidance seem to promise that so much more is possible – but your attempts to create your own Reality seem to keep falling short?

Is it possible that the real issue is that you have become stuck in a ‘Guidance Loop’ – and are actually no longer able to truly hear your Intuition and the *Real Guidance* that would truly move your Life forward?

Instead, all you’re able to hear inside the Guidance Loop is the Trickster side of your Intuition…spinning you round round, like a record baby, right round…round round!

Not only is this possible…in some areas of your Life, it’s very likely – I’ve seen this time and time again over the years…and the good news is that I know EXACTLY how to get out of this. – AND I’m here to help!

So, if you are you ready to reboot and clear out your Intuitive System so that you can begin to receive the REAL GUIDANCE that can truly move your Life forward — I’d say that Synchronicity has brought you to the right place!

Take a moment and watch this powerful life changing video where I share with you why you aren’t being guided out of your Intuitive Guidance Loops…

And how it’s actually YOU that has *unconsciously* created them!

Robert Ohotto

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1 year ago

robert is the only teacher who makes sense to me
intillectiwth imagery

Sue Brown
Sue Brown
1 year ago

Spot on! Something led me to this today exactly when I need it. Wow! Co-creating my victim. Makes perfect sense that we are cheating ourselves. Thank you, Robert.

1 year ago

any perspective on this new time line of the planet and individuals
I know I JUMPED IT about less than 2 months ago

11 months ago

Thank God. I have endured, no, I’ve been conscious through what I know now is a chaos cycle. Ohotto, Thank you for showing me the way back to myself. I think, no there is a time, said Eleanore Roosevelt, when you must stop, turn around and look at each of your demons in the eye, and right there in front of them do the very thing they have convinced you your whole life you absolutely couldn’t do. Why? Once we really know better, we can’t “Lie to our intuitive system. ” I am at in a heart space that is… Read more »