What happens to your energetic system, psyche, and body when you leave the present moment for too long? Find out why Ohotto says if you leave for too long through patterns that time-warp your system, you will go into the ‘Debt of Non-Presence’.
MoreRobert Ohotto’s Blog
The Soul of Money
What is the ‘Soul of Money’? How can you use your finances as intuitive guidance toward living your Destiny? Have you been unconsciously creating more financial blocks and lack in your life through a shadow loyalty to poverty? Break free and unleash the financial flow you most want on this paradigm shattering podcast!
MoreHow to Get out of an Inner Traffic Jam
Are you feeling like your stuck inside, jammed up, or intuitively constipated? You know…nothing seems to be flowing, can’t seem to get clear guidance, and you’re watching parts of you clash and crash. Then this show is for YOU!
MoreThe New Paradigm For Living Your Destiny
We are in a time of deep necessary shift within our needs for awakening to the next level of living our Destiny. A new awakening is upon us and urgently needed. I greatly discuss this in this interview.
MoreThe Gifts of Rejection
Essentially rejection is getting a ‘NO’ from life. We’ve all experienced this many many times and it always seems to suck right? Not only does it ‘suck’ it can be devastating and gut wrenching. I would have to say that often rejection takes us to our core wounds like nothing else can. But why does rejection have this kind of power?
MoreHealthy vs. Toxic Fear
Turn on the news and within 5 minutes you’ll see a world, culture, and society, manifesting what it fears the most because it doesn’t understand the wise use of fear and how to respond, not react, to real threats. But as individuals are we any different?