Whether we are overwhelmed with all that we have to do, find ourselves triggering up into some old school Shadow Dancing with our family members, or keep taking on the vibes of everyone around us that is stressed out…As Empathic Souls, we all need a little help staying empowered during the Oholidays.
MoreRobert Ohotto’s Blog
VIDEO – What is Intentional Synchronicity?
After intuitively reading thousands of clients over the span of two decades, I was able to make some remarkable discoveries about Synchronicity – most notably that there is something called Intentional Synchronicity.
MoreThe Six Mystical Laws of Archetypal Attraction & Your Unconscious Magnetics…
In this excerpt taken from my new 8-Lesson Online/On-demand Course on Myss.com, I explore these Six Mystical Laws and how your Archetypes work with them via a ‘Magnetic Attraction Power/Value Exchange’.
MoreRobert’s Oholiday Empowerment Guide
Whether we are overwhelmed with all that we have to do, or triggering up into some Shadow Dancing with our family members – we all need a little help staying empowered during the Oholidays, am I right?!
MoreThe Essential Skills Needed in Meeting the Shadow Forces of Others
I’m back with a message for the Holidays – Enjoy!
MoreActivating Your Archetypal Team of Miracles
I am taking a break after just finishing my 6-week course ‘Igniting Miracles in the Dark’ on Myss.com. This course is, by far, one of the most transformational courses I have ever taught.