Your Intuitive Edge – Episode 15

As we head into 2020 I wanted to share with you the first 40 minutes of my 2-Part/5-Hour HoloKompass Astrological Overview & Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn Online Web Series. Find out how the ‘Psychic Weather Patterns’ of 2020 will affect you! Knowing how to work with 2020’s Archetypal Forces of Fate is essential in transforming them into Destiny. Enjoy!

What’s covered in this video:

  • What Truths you are unconsciously aligned to and how that collapses your Potential -What comprises your Esteem-System
  • The dangers of many Self-Help and Coaching Models of Esteem, Courage, & Confidence
  • The Truth Technician Archetype
  • Activating True Authenticity
  • Why your Past is always Present
  • The Truth of the Bodhisattva Soul Contract & Archetype
  • How Shame has created various Metaphysical Models of Truth
  • The karmic consequences of every Truth you are aligned to
  • What really guides you into your Potential Mystical

Truth is more than just what you ‘believe’ to be true, it’s intuitive, alive, present, holographically active, and allows you to perceive clearly the Truth that you are enough – no matter what. It’s far bigger than what your mind can fully grasp, yet communicates through your intuitive senses non-stop.

If you’d like to explore the entire 2020 HoloKompass Astrological Overview with a focus on the upcoming Jupiter Retrograde in Capricorn Cycle + get free access to a Bonus Course: ‘Ascension – Mastering the Archetypal Steps of Reaching Your Goals’ click below to lean more.

Jupiter Retrograde with Ascension Bonus Course

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Danielle L McGrath
5 years ago

Thank you so much for your work and dedication! You are the Father figure on this intuitive life’s journey as Caroline Myss is “Momma Myss” (as you have perfectly stated).
I greatly appreciate the sharing of these clips as this point in time I’m not in a financial position to contribute monetarily like I would like or that you are so deserving of… But soon things will be turning around in that area;) I hope to be a part of some full courses again soon!
Much love and thanks “Papa Ohotto”!!
Best wishes and A Merry Christmas!

Alishaa K Asakura
5 years ago

there is a movie I watched…”Fighter of DESTINY” ..the most insightful drama from ancient China. It has been my challenge to rise above the influences of the stars. since I live in the most challenging locations of my birth chart..Pluto..transiting where I now live..and my ascendant is in Scorpio..However, I have both SUN and Moon in Saggittarius in the second house along with Venus in Capricorn…LOL…so you can imagine why, I am so inspired by your videos ,…I wonder why..I feel so drawn to join this session…I keep on returning to this link…LOL…spirit moves ever so strongly….perhaps it is so… Read more »

5 years ago

Thank you for the forecast! Your series on retrogrades have really made me think about my actions and intentions. I hope to be more financially stable to continue purchasing your guidance. I still listen to podcasts like shift happens 3/17, prayer 8/17, physic hygiene 101, how to create using the energy of abundance 3/14 and how to feel grateful when you’re not 11/14. Yep, I go way back. You have been an enormous voice of guidance through the most difficult times – I can’t even relay how much in words. All I can say is “thank you.” Best to everyone… Read more »

4 years ago

Wow, this really spoke to me, brought tears to my eyes as it was absolutely spot on for events in my life from 2019 and I’m guessing whats happening just now in 2020 (I haven’t seen the whole series yet). I am a Capricorn so I don’t know if that makes this all the more powerful, I will explore more to find out, can’t wait. Love it, love it, love it. I’ve only just found Robert Ohotto and wow I love you, you are great, where have you been all my life lol! I totally resonate with all that you… Read more »