Discovering Your Destiny in the Shadow



Discovering Your Destiny in the Shadow

An Illuminating Eight Week Journey to Your Purpose

Join Intuitive Robert Ohotto as he takes you on an unprecedented 8-week journey of self discovery that will unlock the mystery of your Destiny and show you how to create from your highest place of power! Find out why Destiny is lived when we enter the flow of our highest potential, and that in order to experience this flow, we must first enter our own Shadow!

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8 Lessons

An 8-week journey of self discovery that will unlock the mystery of your Destiny and show you how to create from your highest place of power.

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Each lesson includes a power-packed online video, downloadable audio with guided meditations, and a downloadable PDF full of supportive content, diagrams, and homework.

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Why am I here?
Am I living my Highest Potential?
What's my purpose in my life?

When we come to place of pondering these powerful questions, one thing is for certain: our purpose is going through a major shift that resonates with greater shifts in the world at large.

To get our coordinates within this shift, many people turn to various sources of guidance that speak of 'The Law of Attraction' and 'Manifesting' one's potential. But is pasting things up on a 'Vision Board' really all it takes? Could it be that our Destiny has more to do with unblocking it instead of merely conjuring it up? Is it possible that our Highest Potential is more a matter of entering into the flow of our purpose instead of 'Manifesting' it?

Join Intuitive Robert Ohotto as he takes you on an unprecedented 8-week journey of self discovery that will unlock the mystery of your Destiny and show you how to create from your highest place of power! Find out why Destiny is lived when we enter the flow of our highest potential, and that in order to experience this flow, we must first enter our own Shadow!

What is the Shadow part of us, and why do we avoid it?
Why is it the guardian of our power and doorway to our purpose?

You'll discover the answers to these powerful life-changing questions and more during the course of this intensive program! If you want to recognize and release the self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, and blocks to your intuition while gaining new love, clarity, access to higher guidance, and a new empowered sense of purpose, then this is the course for you!

“Destiny is lived when we enter the flow of our highest potential – in order to experience this flow, we must first enter our own Shadow.”

Join Robert for an unforgettable 8-week online course that will teach you:

  • About your Life Agreements with Fate and Destiny
  • What it means to do Shadow Work and how it is an essential ingredient in Co-creating your life
  • How to have a better relationship with yourself and those you love
  • How to receive clear intuitive guidance and why the Shadow can distort your intuitive clarity
  • Ways to break free from self-sabotage, limiting beliefs, and false limits
  • A new understanding of the 'Law of Attraction' and how it really works in relationships to the Shadow
  • How to turn a pattern in your life that is 'Shadow Driven' into a positive force of conscious creation
  • Ways to identify your core Archetypal Patterns and differentiate the Archetypes of Soul, Ego, and Destiny while learning how each works in your life

Each week's lesson includes a power-packed online video lecture in which Robert 'brings it!' True to form, his candor, humor, compassion, and poignant, keepin'-it-real delivery will leave you laughing and enlightened! Each lesson also comes with a downloadable PDF full of supportive content, diagrams, and homework. As if that weren't already enough, with the "Discovering Your Destiny in the Shadow" online course you will also receive a link to download the entire audio version of the course which includes four compelling guided meditations to download and complete along with the lessons! This means you will be able to reference and revisit all presented material long after you've finished the course!

Week One/Lesson One
Journey of the Soul
  • Cosmic Laws of Fate and Destiny vs. Law of Attraction
  • Why we now need new models of Empowerment that include 'The Shadow'
  • What 'All is One' really means and how to truly live this in the world
  • What Destiny truly is
Week Two/Lesson Two
What are Archetypes? Three Classifications of Archetypes in our Soul Contract
  • Archetypes of Soul
  • Archetypes of Ego and how the Form
  • Archetypes of Destiny
How Karma Works What Flow Charts of Destiny are and how they Work with Archetypes Anatomy of the Psyche
  • Understanding the human psyche as an energy system
Week Three/Lesson Three
The Four Pillars of Ego and how they Develop
  • Persona
  • Family/Tribe
  • Relationships
  • Society
The Axes of Awareness/Consciousness and Power in our Ego
  • As two fundamental aspects of Destiny development
  • Why both need to be in balance to live a Destined Life
How the Shadow is Created via External Approval/Rejection System Part I
Week Four/Lesson Four
How the Shadow is Created Part II What keeps the Shadow Energized? How do we become Conscious of the Shadow?
  • Shadow Language
  • Projection
  • Compassion
  • Meditation
  • Guided Inner Work
Perception vs. Projection Guided Meditation on How to be with Your Emotions
Week Five/Lesson Five
The Shadow and Projection
  • How we Project and Scapegoat Others
  • How we are Scapegoated via the Shadow of Others
  • How this happens on group and collective levels
Innate Archetypes Denied and the Shadow
  • Archetypes that become 'Shadow Driven' and how they sabotage your life
  • How to bring Shadow Driven Archetypes back to the light
  • What Denial costs your System
Guided Meditation on meeting your Shadow
Week Six/Lesson Six

The Soul's Schedule and The Shadow

  • Timing for when something is ready to merge into your Ego Identity
  • Reclaiming what's been shamed into the Shadow
  • Developing a new creative force via your growth in the world
  • Emerging of something latent in your Soul that was waiting to surface
  • Must be willing to enter the Dark Night of the Ego
  • What the Dark Night of the Ego is

Guided Meditation on the Dark Night of the Ego

Week Seven/Lesson Seven:

Intuition and the Shadow

  • What Intuition really is and what it has to do with The Shadow
  • Intuition, The Shadow, and The Trickster
  • Intuition and Destiny
  • The GPS of your authenticity and Purpose
  • How you block your intuition and why
  • How to unblock your intuition

Guided Meditation on Unblocking Their Intuition

Week Eight/Lesson Eight

Putting it all together: Integrating all that has been revealed during the Course

What is emerging now in your life as a force of Destiny? How are you blocking it?

Use and trust your intuition - watching out for the Trickster

The power of Surrender and Prayer

Shadow Work as a Process

Compassion and Self-Responsibility

What is Destiny?

A Story of Destiny

Join Now

An 8-week journey of self discovery that will unlock the mystery of your Destiny and show you how to create from your highest place of power - each lesson includes a power-packed online video, downloadable audio with guided meditations, and a downloadable PDF full of supportive content, diagrams, and homework.

$89.99Add to cart

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